Why the Muscle system might be interesting
The impact of mobile network outages is severe on modern society and has impact on retail, transport, payments critical infrastructures. Severe outages of communication even cause indirectly deaths…
“One major challenge that Mobile Network Operators must overcome is the risk caused by the mass deployment IoT Devices… In the worst cases the mass deployment of IoT Devices can disable a mobile network completely”*
Do you want to prevent network outage and stress-test or KPI-monitor a mobile network in a controlled way?
Muscle is a strong tool
“I must be the mobile network!” is always stated when a data connection with remote devices is not available.
Most often end2end connections are disrupted by outages caused by firewall-updates, power outages or failing data collection headend systems.
Muscle is a strong tool and provides you facts, figures and proof!
- Are you interested to stress test your network including the RF-path?
- You want to be sure that your network able to withstand severe device data load?
- Are you sure your network elements and connections are robust?
- You want to show you deliver-what-you-promised on all locations with automated 24/7 KPI-reports?
Muscle works for you
MuscleSTRESS tests a mobile network as-a-box including its network elements, connections and components:
- Enables you to validate performance of all network elements during different stages (device registration, connection set-up, data transfer etc.
- Offers you a variety of automated stress-test scripts which enable you to standardize tests in both acceptance and production networks
- Generates realistic versatile traffic:
- Adjustable timing: peaked, simultaneous, scheduled, randomized etc.
- Adjustable sizing: packet size, packet-spacing, fragmented
- Instant adjustable on-board attenuation
- Stores all test results for future analysis and historical benchmarking
MuscleKPI monitors 24/7/365 operational network KPI-baseline performance and availability:
- Performs end to end KPI-test including RF-path, IT/OT systems and firewalls
- Contains both device-and backend initiated IP-sessions
- Enables you to simulate RF-fluctuations by imbedded RF attenuators
- Can provide you real-life end2end performance-insights of any location within your networks foot print
- Delivers you every Monday morning a weekly performance overview on the KPIs
Muscle works for you!
- Operates stand-alone and is centrally controlled
- Available as separate nodes and in flight cases array
- Variants in any mobile network technology 2G,3G,4G and 5G